Green Culture Forum u srijedu u Herceg Novom

Green Culture Forum, petodnevna manifestacija koja u osam crnogorskih gradova promoviše ekologiju i održivost kroz kulturu, nauku i umjetnost, počeće u foajeu hercegnovske dvorane Park u srijedu, 7. juna u 10 sati, predavanjima Antonija Pušića – Ramba Amadeusa i Robina Đelatelija Smita, direktora Savjeta za ekološku gradnju Crne Gore.

”Izložiću projekt solarni jedrenjak, govoriti kako se razvijala ideja, od samog starta, pa do danjašnjeg trenutka, kada smo u sred realizacije” – objašnjava Rambo Amadeus.

Đelateli Smit održaće predavanje na temu „Ozelenite vaš dom“ o ekološkoj gradnji i zelenim inovacijama.

Hercegnovska NVO ‘Sinergija’ lokalni je partner udruženja Krug u okoje organizuje forum.

”Sa NVO Krug smo se u ovoj priči našli, jer imamo sličan stav o održivosti – upravo njega forsiramo i na festivalu koji organizujemo na Španjoli. Naše tvrđave su nekad bile samoodržive i cilj nam je da u svim budućim revitalizacijama i prenamjenama, bilo u sklopu elitnih turističkih kompleksa ili bazičnih objekata, to ostane tako” – kaže Vuk Čvoro, direktor NVO Sinergija.

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Počasni gost hercegnovske instance festivala biće princ Nikola II Petrović Njegoš. Eko karavan u sriejdu poslijepodne seli u Kotor, gdje će IT preduzetnik Peter Ivanov predstaviti Virtual Powerful Teams.

Uvodnog dana festivala, u Luštica Bay-u, biće upriličeno svečano otvaranje foruma, svečanim obraćanjima i pozdravnim govorima Princa Nikole II Petrovića Njegoša, Samiha Savirisa – predsjednika Borda direktora Orascom development holding, izvršnog direktora kompanije Luštica Development, Darena Gibsona, ministra održivog razvoja i turizma Pavla Radulovića, kao i  prof. dr Dragana Hajdukovića  iz instituta CERN, kreativne direktorke NVO „KRUG“, Vesne Sokolovske Jovićević i predsjednice Opštine Tivat Snežane Matijević.

Forum traje do 11. juna, a osim primorja, obuhvata i Cetinje, Nikšić i Podgoricu.

Kompletan program:

7 June Herceg Novi, Kotor and Luštica Bay, Tivat
10h Hall Park, Njegoševa street, Herceg Novi
Antonije Pušić – Rambo Amadeus, Presenting NGO Blue Patrol and the solar powered sailing boat Robin Gelatelly Smith, UK, Green your home

14h Church St. Paul, Old Town, Kotor
Peter Ivanov, Germany, Virtual Powerful Teams

20h Luštica Bay, Luštica, Tivat
Opening Reception
Key notes:
Samih Sawiris, Chairman of Orascom Development Holding
Darren Gibson, CEO Luštica Bay
Vesna Sokolovska Jovićević FRSA, Art Director NGO Krug
Prince Nikola of Montenegro, Foundation Petrović Njegoš
Snežana Matijević, Mayor of Tivat Municipality
Pavle Radulović, Minister for Sustainable Development and Tourism (tbc)
Prof. dr. Dragan Hajduković, CERN

Cocktail reception until 22.30h

8. June Cetinje, Nikšić i Podgorica

9h The Ministry of Culture, Cetinje
David Buckland, Cape Farewell, UK, The influence of the creative sector on changing society’s awareness regarding environmental protection

12h Tehnopolis, Nikšić
Melusine Reimers, Readymade, Germany, Minimalism and new ethical standards – Startups as an innovation trigger

14.30h The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Podgorica
Alina Averchenkova, London School of Economics, UK, Environmental Policy

As a part of the Green Culture Forum, The Ministry for Sustainable Development
and Tourism will hold a promotion of the National Strategy Sustainable Development until 2030 (established in July 2016)

17h Hotel Hilton, Hall Jelena, Podgorica
Marc Buckley, ANJA GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, Shifting the Paradigm to Resilient Sustainable

Business models, Unlocking Trillions by harnessing the exponential innovation renaissance

19h Cockatil at Skybar-u, Hotel Hilton, Podgorica

20h Štrudla, Bokeška Street, Podgorica
Green Drinks with the Green Culture Forum speakers

8-11. June (parallel) Ada Bojana resort
12h Painting of Mural Avenue with students of FLU Cetinje, in collaboration with academic artists

Dijana Radevska Tomić and Marta Mojsova, Skopje, Macedonia

9. June: Bar and Ada Bojana, Ulcinj
12h Dom Kralja Nikole, Bar
Short presentation from the Green Culture Forum partners
Sholeh Johnston, Julie’s Bicycle, UK, Creative Climate Leadership (tbc)

14h Lunch followed by trip to Ada Bojana

Day program: Ada Bojana resort, Painting of Mural Avenue with students of FLU Cetinje
and workshop on recycling with academic artists Dijana Radevska Tomić and Marta Mojsova

Exhibition: A short story about green building, Green Building Council Montenegro

19h Group dinner with participants residing at the resort

20h Barbana restaurant, Ada Bojana resort, Ulcinj
Public address by the mayor of Ulcinj Municipality Nazif Cungu
and representatives of Ulcinj Municipality: Presentation on sustainable development in the
Municipality of Ulcinj

Concert, EVA and Fontaine Burnett

10 June Barbana, Ada Bojana resort, Ulcinj
7.30-9.30h Breakfast
8h Yoga with Dinesh Gohil

Short lectures from all presenters of the Green Culture Forum, refreshments will be available
9.30h prof. dr. Dragan Hajdukovic
9.50h Robin Gellately Smith
10.10h Peter Ivanov
10.30h Melusine Reimers
10.50h David Buckland
11.10h Antonije Pušić – Rambo Amadeus (tbc)
11.30h Alina Averchenkova
11.50h Marc Buckley
12.10h Sholeh Johnston
12.30h Leon Aarts, Compassion Restaurant concept; How we fed 9000 refugees at camp Calais in
France and how the concept of Compassion Restaurant was born, presentation continues
after group lunch preparation with Leon
13.00h Visit to Bushcraft camp and group lunch
14.00h Victoria Nestor presentation, Making solar panels, wind turbines and hydrogen cells
15.00h Tigrilla Gardenia, presentation the Music of Plants
16h Break and free time, visiting Mural avenue (optional)
16.30h Eva, Anja Buckley, Fontaine Burnett, Dery Keretic – Muiscal team building workshop

19h Dinner for resort guests

20h Pre-premiere for the Liberatum Production film “In this Climate” (official premiere is on 28 June in
New York, USA) in which the Patron of Green Culture Marina Abramović is participating, which will
be followed by a short discussion with the film’s director (tbc). The film screening will be on a solar
powered projector

22h DJ Party around the camp fire

Whole day program: Painting Mural Avenue with students from FLU Cetinje and artist recycling
workshop with academic artists Dijana Radevska Tomić i Marta Mojsova

Exhibition: A short story about green building, Green Building Council Montenegro

11. June Barbana, Ada Bojana resort, Ulcinj

10h Eco kids with Vahida Nimanbegu and Jetlir Kovaci

Ada Bojana cleaning initiative with volunteers from NGO Naša Akcija and Njegoš Scouts

Exhibition: A short story about green building, Green Building Council Montenegro

Farewell and looking forward to see you at the Green Culture 7, 20-27. May 2018!

The event will be filmed by students of Faculty for Dramatic Arts Cetinje.




februar, 2025